
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Optimizes Charging Station Locations 
Case Studies Sawatch Labs Case Studies Sawatch Labs

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Optimizes Charging Station Locations 

With strong local roots and a commitment to protecting the environment while providing affordable, reliable energy, Madison Gas and Electric turned to Sawatch Labs to conduct a fleet study at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The study lasted about six months and focused on monitoring vehicle usage to project charging demand to inform a strategy for placing electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

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Sawatch Labs Helps Make Sustainability Goals Possible for City of Seattle
Case Studies Sarah Booth Case Studies Sarah Booth

Sawatch Labs Helps Make Sustainability Goals Possible for City of Seattle

The City of Seattle has an ambitious goal of cutting carbon emissions 50% by 2025 and being completely fossil fuel free by 2030. The city’s fleet leadership chose Sawatch Labs and data from Geotab to help meet their sustainability goals, accurately measure electricity use by the city’s electric vehicles (EVs) and determine which internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles could be cycled out for EVs.

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Municipal Fleet Electrification Brings City of Cincinnati Closer to 2035 Carbon Neutrality Goal
Case Studies Sarah Booth Case Studies Sarah Booth

Municipal Fleet Electrification Brings City of Cincinnati Closer to 2035 Carbon Neutrality Goal

Over the last decade, City staff have been hard at work through the Green Cincinnati Program, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 84 percent below 2006 levels by 2050. Achieving this target will be no small feat, and the City is identifying several key actions across the built environment, energy, food and water, and transportation sectors.

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